Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How social media can educate the educators?

A recent report by the government of India education ministry on how the teachers in primary school need to go back to school to continue their education. This was true particularly in subjects such as sciences and mathematics where there have been frequent advances and the teachers have not been able to keep up.

I believe that continuing education series is important for all professionals, whether they are doctors, architects or even teachers. But how can one design a system that achieves the dual purposes of not having to disrupt the normal schedule of a teacher at the same time help him keep up with the advances in his professions?
Social networks could have the answer to that.

In my previous post I have discussed how a group of physicians from France had formed a group on Google Plus to discuss cases and promote education among the peer group by mutual learning. Every week they met using the closed group and sometime even connected face to face using the hangout application. A similar exercise was conducted by the Physicians from Spain to prepare for US MLE examinations.
Now for the educators this is what I believe would work. A bunch of educators for a closed group on Google Plus. The educator’s would forma logical cohort say high school physics teachers. They can use this network to share new teaching methodologies or sharing the latest advances.

All it requires is a mobile device which can run applications for social networks. That way the movement can spread even to semi urban and rural area teachers.

So I want to know your opinion can Social Media be used to educate the educators? If yes then what model would work best? What are the challenges and how can they be overcome. I would welcome your views on the same.

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